Visia Advanced Complexion Analysis at Unique Verve in Boston

Visia Advanced Complexion Analysis:

I am very excited to introduce and offer to our clients new state of the art Visia Advanced Complexion Analysis system. This system is now part of our First Time Facial as well as Microchanneling procedure. 

The computer-controlled Visia ensures our ability to reproduce your facial photography between time points with build-in positioning aids and standardized lighting. Visia allows us to record standard, cross polarized and UV photography and measure surface and subsurface skin conditions. When needed, Visia even has a tool that lets us zoom in and magnify image areas for closer examination and review with each patient.

Visia Advanced Complexion Analysis System scans your skin and captures key visual information, using multi-spectral imaging and analysis, of eight areas that effect your skin’s health and appearance. We use the Visia to measure your skin pigmentation, pore size, porphyrins (evidence of bacteria), UV spots, photo damage (typically from sun damage), texture and wrinkles. With this quantitive assessment of your skin, Visia compares your skin’s features to other indiduals of the same sex, age and skin type and provides you with your relative skin condition within your peer group. This detailed analysis will help to prepare your personal skin care regime and rejuvenation program. As the treatments progress, the Visia can be used again to track the changes in your skin and the effectiveness of your skin care regimen.

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