Category: Educate

Skincare & Functional Medicine Blog

Breast Implants Side Effects: Can breast implants make you sick? In recent years, the discussion surrounding breast implants has evolved beyond aesthetics and into the realm of health concerns. While many individuals opt for breast augmentation procedures to enhance their appearance, a growing body of research suggests that these implants ...

Are you struggling with the persistent redness, flushing, and discomfort of rosacea? It’s time to uncover the underlying causes of this chronic inflammatory disease and embark on a journey towards healthier, clearer skin. What is Rosacea? Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory disease, which manifests with recurrent flushing and persistent redness ...

Fight the Flue with a Functional Medicine: As the cold winter months approach, many people prepare for the inevitable flu season. It has become almost a societal norm to expect to get sick during this time of year. However, what if I told you that frequent illness during the winter ...

Anti-Aging Secrets: Revitalize Your Skin and Health with Functional Medicine. In the quest for timeless beauty, it’s crucial to understand the science behind aging and how it affects your skin. The first step in your anti-aging journey is acknowledging the impact of aging on your skin’s health. As we age, ...

Dermatitis, an umbrella term for various skin conditions characterized by inflammation, irritation, rash and itching, can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. In this blog post, we delve deep into exploring the link between dermatitis, bile function, nutrient deficiencies, leaky gut, stress and the role of skin barrier function. ...

As an aesthetician with 20 years of experience, I am really excited to offer you a new way to rejuvenate your skin with the Procell Microchanneling. Microchanneling is an advanced, enhanced form of microneedling. This minimally invasive treatment. It is suitable for addressing a wide range of skin concerns, including fine ...

Amazing link between osteoporosis and wrinkles is characterized by collagen loss. Skin yet again proves to be a reflection of our internal health. Just like for the skin, collagen is crucial for bone health. Therefore, premature aging can be used as a predictable sign of bone disease. Collagen is the ...

Nutritional modulation of immune function: an impact of Stressors, Nutrients, Microbiome and their Mechanism of Action on Immune Function. A well-functioning immune function plays a critical role in our health. All cells require adequate and appropriate nutrition to function optimally. This also includes the cells of the immune system. It’s ...

Omega 3 fish oil is the most researched nutrient on the planet since 1980. Even the aspirin has not been studied as much as Omega 3s. Omega 3s are commonly insufficient and surprisingly deficient in a lot of people. This deficiency precipitates downstream health impairments, and a wide variety of ...

Detoxification is a huge gift for your health. As it helps to manage both internally generated as well as externally acquired toxins. Therefore having persistent detoxification capability is key for sustainable health. Do you have achy joints? Do you have skin problems that you can’t get under control? Have you ...