Healthy Diet

pH Chart
Healthy Diet Cheat Sheet

The saying β€œWe are what we eat” is true and never gets old.

In my skin care practice and by conducting thorough consultations before each facial, I can see how dietΒ can impactΒ the skin. As you probablyΒ know, the skin is our biggest external organ. It is alsoΒ anΒ organ of detoxification. As a result, waste products, toxins and sweatΒ is released through the skin. Therefore diet not only impacts the skin. ItΒ alsoΒ impactsΒ otherΒ organs andΒ systems. Your overall health and well-being also depends onΒ your diet.

Unfortunately, nowadays many individuals are addicted to toxicΒ foods.

Those foodsΒ cause inflammation throughout the body. Sugars, alcohol, and smoking are among the most inflammatory ones that also contribute to free radical damage. Most noteworthy is that sugar is extremely addictive!

Acne, rosacea, melasma, hyperpigmentation, and aging are all associated with inflammation of the skin.

Consuming foods filled with artificial ingredients, refined sugars, and preservatives, as well as drinking alcohol or sodasΒ consequently creates inflammation and leaves our bodies unbalanced. Therefore, by eliminatingΒ acidic foodsΒ from our diet, we canΒ  improve skin and anΒ overall health.

Finally, the foods that balance the body are alkaline foods.Β Alkaline foods also help to reduce inflammation. Green leaves and citrus to be among the highest, which I especially recommend to eat daily. At least 80% of daily foods thatΒ you consume should be alkaline.Β 

Above is the pH food chart that can help you with your daily food selection.

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