Tag: vitamin A

Skincare & Functional Medicine Blog

Dermatitis, an umbrella term for various skin conditions characterized by inflammation, irritation, rash and itching, can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. In this blog post, we delve deep into exploring the link between dermatitis, bile function, nutrient deficiencies, leaky gut, stress and the role of skin barrier function. ...

As an aesthetician with 20 years of experience, I am really excited to offer you a new way to rejuvenate your skin with the Procell Microchanneling. Microchanneling is an advanced, enhanced form of microneedling. This minimally invasive treatment. It is suitable for addressing a wide range of skin concerns, including fine ...

Nutritional modulation of immune function: an impact of Stressors, Nutrients, Microbiome and their Mechanism of Action on Immune Function. A well-functioning immune function plays a critical role in our health. All cells require adequate and appropriate nutrition to function optimally. This also includes the cells of the immune system. It’s ...

Vitamin A is a dominant vitamin of the skin. It is because it has fundamental role in control of normal activities of the skin cells. Vitamin A controls normal activities of the DNA of the nucleus of the cell as well as the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell). It is normally ...

Environ – a beautiful skin for a lifetime: There’s no such a thing as a quick fix when it comes to achieving healthy, beautiful skin. Since ancient times, people have used cosmetics to try to improve their skin and to hide the effects of ageing. While offering the hopeful user ...

Antioxidants are substances that prevent oxidation damage to cells. The highest concentration of antioxidants in the body is contained in the epidermal layer (first layer; dermis is second layer) of the skin. They form a protective barrier for the living dermal layer and the internal body. With age and environmental ...

Pigmentation Pigment melanin gives our skin protection against harmful ultraviolet rays. Melanin production can increase or decrease beyond normal. This creates a change in the skin color. The overproduction of melanin, or hyperpigmentation (dark spots), is related to UV light, acne scarring, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiency or prescription drugs. The ...