Environ Active Vitamin Facial in Boston

Environ DF Vitamin Infusion with the Filler and Neck Treatment
 Environ DF Vitamin Infusion with the Filler and Neck Treatment

Why should you try Environ Active Vitamin Facial?

Unique Verve is proud to offer Environ’s Signature Facial. Harpers and Queen quoted it as “One of the top 10 best facials in the U.K.” At the very forefront of scientific skin care the Ionzyme DF Machine, is probably the most effective machine in the world today. It significantly enhances penetration of vitamins into the skin. Vitamins A and C are essential for the maintenance of a healthy and youthful skin. This revoulutionary system enhances the penetration of vitamins contained in the Environ professional skin care products ensuring optimum effective results. As a result we can treat acne, acne scars, chickenpox scars, rosacea as well as pigmentation. It is also effective in treating scar tissue, wrinles, fine lines, stretch marks and cellulite.

Environ Active Vitamin Facial is a combination of two highly sophisticated methods:

Pulsed Iontophoresis – involving the use of a specific pulsed electrical current to facilitate greater penetration of vitamins into the skin. With conventional iontophoresis, changes are very much slower. Whereas with the Ionzyme DF Machine, the skin looks and feels younger within two or three treatments.

Low Frequency Sonophoresis – involving the use of sound waves to transport vitamin molecules through the skin. Low Frequency Sonophoresis is up to a thousand times more effective than the conventional ultrasound. Environ is the pioneer in both the use of Low Frequency Sonophoresis and the combination of both methods within one treatment.

These treatments stimulate maximum thickening of the skin, normalization and improvement of collagen and elastin, better control of pigmentation production, restoration of normal skin blood flow and proper oxygenation of the skin. One should therefore schedule a treatment at least once or twice a week. A series of at least 6 treatments are recommended to achieve desired results, however up to 24 treatments can be recommended  depending on the age and the problem that is treated. Thereafter, plan at least one maintenance treatment a month with an occasional booster course of one per week.


Before Active Vitamin Facial Treatments. Treating loss of structural integrity and elastosis.
Before Picture.
Skin's elasticity and structural integrity has improved tremendously after 24 Environ's Active Vitamin Facial Treatments.
A result of Environ Active Vitamin Facial. Noticeable Results – 24 treatments within a 10 months period.




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